[PS4/One] Destiny - L'âge du Triomphe, l'ultime DLC

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » mer. 7 sept. 2016 15:43

Reprise du message précédent :

en attendant de trouver un nom qui satisfasse tout le monde, je viens de modifier avec une solution temporaire
Mon Palmares Warzone:
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » mer. 7 sept. 2016 16:14

Bon bah l'idée de Shaiin est passé inaperçu, je lui dirai lol
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par LeZardo » mer. 7 sept. 2016 16:46

Les patrick Delta.


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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » mer. 7 sept. 2016 16:56

:lol: Jamais !
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❤️💙 We Are Paris ❤️💙

"All of existence shall be mine"

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Neeko » mer. 7 sept. 2016 17:17

The First Sons of Iron bah ouais quoi, on est des vétérans : ON PEEEEEESE !!. On a quand même inferno et Jwel que tous les serveurs nous envient !
Black Reapers/(shadows) Armada
Shadows iron squad (dédicace inferno)
Vengeful Squad
ou simplement Outlaws

ouais sinon les faucheurs ou un trucs badass comme ça, sa me dérange pas.

les propositions de Ax sont cool aussi.

Guns of PF / Guns of PlayFrance NeoPF
PF Raiders & Cie / PF Raiders & Associates
PF Enforcers of the Light

C'était JUSTE "Avengers" qui me dérange.

En Bonus :

PF Oryx Motherfuckers
PSN : elmurrozo
Fan de co-op / s'amuser est un droit fondamental 8-)

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Shaiin972 » mer. 7 sept. 2016 18:57

C'est quoi ce nom de m... E !!!!
Enlève ça direct
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Shaiin972 » mer. 7 sept. 2016 19:00

Sons of Iron j'aime bien ça fait genre les gars super fort, d'une intelligence remarquable. Avec ce nom on va finir le raid en 2 heures 8-)
Le légendaire titan revient

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » mer. 7 sept. 2016 19:28

j'avais pensé aux petites biscottes aussi?
Mon Palmares Warzone:
*privé de ma liberté d'expression par J-Wel et Sephi

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Kargall » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 02:09

Les Iron Fist Fucker?
Je ne répare pas je ne remplace pas et je n'offre pas les balais d'essuie glace.
Viens jouer avec moi à LBP.
Psn: Citrus-Mix
Add me if you can.

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 14:28

Sur le forum de bungie un type essayé de combler le vide dans l'histoire de Kabr grace au grimoire et il en a fait un recit.

La classe

Testament of Kabr
I am Kabr. I have learned many things during my time here in the Vault. I have tried to send my findings back to the Tower through Pahanin and my Ghost. I hope they are successful. I have discovered much since I last saw either of them. Pahanin thought that my findings were mere ramblings of a mad man. Fear clouded his judgement in our last days, so I ensured that he escaped the Vault. I was too far gone and I could not return to the surface. I knew that in order to defeat the Vault the Light had to be brought closer to its heart. My Ghost is no longer with me, but the Light still remains with me. My last testament will be etched into the halls of the Glass Throne. Hear me, chamber walls and record my words into your never ending history. It is true that I have fought Vex alone. This is what has caused me to fall and to “vanish”. Allow me to explain my final transmission to the outside world.
“In the Vault time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle.
No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone.
You will meet the Templar in a place that is a time before or after stars. The stars will move around you and mark you and sing to you. They will decide if you are real.
I drank of them. It tasted like the sea.”
These were my last words to Pahanin and my Ghost. Allow me to provide clarity to these words. It is true that I did not know the name of the shape that come after the will of Atheon. However, that is no longer the case. The thread that follows the needle that is Atheon is time itself. The Vex have been able to transcend time and defy its very nature. The Vex use their technology to transport themselves across dimensions and millenniums. It is how they were able to conquer Mercury in such a short time.
Time is split here in the Vault. Atheon weaves timelines together to form a reality that is suited to the Vex. Thus, Atheon is the needle and the thread is time. The Vex use time to weave a timeline that is tailored to their desires.
Once you enter the Vault of Glass, you have entered into a realm that defies the very nature of time. Here in this world, the Oracles are omnipotent and omnipresent. The Oracles can define what is and what is not. If they will, the Oracles can defy your very existence and remove you from every timeline. This power caused Pahanin to fear the Vault. I persuaded him to return to the Tower to alert the Vanguard of this power of the Vex so as to warn other Guardians. I am not sure if the Tower will be able to devise a strategy to overcome the Vault of Glass.
Now, to the next part. It is true that no one can enter the Vault alone. I opened the Vault but no one was with me and I was not alone. The first part is as true as the last. The Vex have transcended time through their endless array of technology. There infinite algorithms and patterns have enabled them to solve the problem of time. They defy nature by making a mockery of time. We, Guardians, are able to transcend nature as well thanks to the Light.
I, Kabr, have followed the needle of Atheon and entered the Glass Throne. I along with my past and future self entered the Vault. Much like the Vex, I was able to utilize my Light to call across timelines to communicate with Kabr from other times. I do not know how many Vaults there are. I do know that I along with other versions of myself were able to pierce the Vault. I signaled for help and I answered. I have scaled millenniums and eons to achieve this feat. How did I do this? I truly do not understand. All I know is that I am Kabr and they were too. I am them and they were me. So, I opened the Vault, but I was not alone for I was with me.
Onto the next part of my last transmission to Pahanin. The Templar. We fell into the Templar’s well. This is where the Oracles first made their appearance. They glowed like stars and began to sing to us. Pahanin was still with me then. They began to sing of a time that he and I did not exist. Slowly, we began to fade from existence. That is when I appeared. My future and past self. I answered my own plea for help. My cries for help echoed across dimensions and I responded. The three of us were able to destroy the Oracles. I called to Pahanin to flea and return to the Vanguard to tell them of our discoveries. That was the last I saw of him.
The Oracles petrified Pahanin. However, they merely intrigued me. I guess that once I was able to destroy one of them, I realized they were mortal. If such a thing can be said of such a being. In destroying them, I made a reference to my Ghost of them tasting like the sea. I do not mean that their flavor was that of salt. It was an attempt to compare what I do not understand to something that I do understand. The Oracles are like the sea in that here in the Vault they surround you and you are at their mercy. Much like the saltwater, they are abundant in this place, but they do not give life. When they are here, I feel as if I am in a sea of stars.
After Pahanin’s departure, the Templar tried to organize its legions to destroy me. I used my Light and pieces of Vex armor to create a shield to repel it. I was successful. In doing so, I learned that the Vault had a weakness. The Vex must be able to understand something before it can conquer it. The Vex understood time and were able to subject time to the will of the Vex. The Vex and its Oracles could not understand the Light. The Light is able to do what the Vex can and much more. The Vex transcended time. However, in the Vault, the Light is able to transcend both time and the Vex.
Again, I have pierced the Vault and let in the Light. Guardians that follow after me will have to do the same. Fellow Servants of the Light, embrace me and the Light. Here, in this place, I am your salvation. Take this shield and protect your fellow Guardians. Defy the Oracles and do not allow them to exist in their own haven. Destroy the stars that seek to wipe you from the pages of history. Time will reward you for doing so. The Vex have made a mockery of time. Time will have its vengeance. Let yourself be the weapon that channels that vengeance to the Vex. If you do so, you will be victorious.
I told you that I was able to interact with other versions of myself. This is true. However, it has come at a cost. In crossing timelines, I have exposed myself to the potential of fading from existence. My past self was fatally wounded by Atheon in the Glass Throne. As he, Kabr, died, my present form began to fade. The Vault has begun to consume me as it should. I have done that which is accursed. I have meddled with time and I must pay the price. The Aegis that I have created still exists here in the Vault. It will remain forever as the Light is with it. The Light is able to go beyond time and cannot be erased by the Oracles. I am losing contact with my future self now. I do not have much longer is this realm, time, or space. Heed my words, Guardians. If you enter this chamber, use the Aegis to destroy Atheon. It is done. I am now fading from existence. If these walls echo another message after this transmission, it will not be my voice. If I speak again, I am not Kabr.
Mon Palmares Warzone:
*privé de ma liberté d'expression par J-Wel et Sephi

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 14:42

Merci mais non merci pour lire ça.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 22:35

sur planetdestiny, un auteur ecrit une fiction autour du jeu. ils en sont au chapitre 7 et c'est super bien ecrit.

Chapitre 7
The Daughters of Praedyth (Chapter 7)
September 3, 2016
“That isolation chamber was constructed entirely out of a yttrium and cobalt alloy. It took years to get the magnetic fields perfectly aligned so that the chamber was completely insulated from every form of radiation. You ladies managed to completely ruin it in less than two minutes. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.”
Dr. Shim had removed his helmet for this lecture and the Daughters could finally see his face. He appeared to be a standard human of Asian descent. His short dark hair was trimmed close to his skull. Jale suspected this was for convenience rather than any thought of style. His features were pinched in anger and his mouth was turned down in a frown as he came down the steps from the side room. He stepped over or around the burning wreckage left by the Hydra, barely seeming to notice it.
The Guardians had recovered from the fight and removed their own helmets. Jale came back to herself quickly after being knocked unconscious to find her companions had already resurrected themselves. “We’re sorry about the damage, Dr. Shim, but it was the Vex. Not us.”
“How do I know these aren’t your robots?”
Sweet Susie took a menacing step toward Shim. To her consternation, he didn’t back up or look the least bit intimidated. “Look around, you idiot. These are clearly Vex units. You’re telling me you never heard of the Vex?”
“No. I haven’t. I don’t know where you’re from or what you’re doing here. All I know is that my work has been completely destroyed. Dr. Bray isn’t going to be happy about this, and shit rolls downhill.”
“Excuse me, sir. Where are we?” Christina broke in.
“Campus 11 in Pantheon City. Clovis Bray Laboratory 1106. This is meant to be a completely secret facility.”
“Uh, sorry, but what planet?”
Dr. Shim rolled his eyes and sighed. “Are you drunk? Mars!”
The Daughters looked at each other. They’d jumped from Venus to Mars in an instant.
Jale was the first to speak up. “I didn’t know there were any functioning laboratories on Mars. Did the Vanguard help establish this place in the ruins of some old Clovis Bray facility? How did they manage to get that done right under the nose of the Cabal and the Vex?” she asked.
The complete confusion on Dr. Shim’s face was almost enough to make him likable. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. This is a brand new laboratory—the only thing that could be termed ruins around here are these gates that we found buried in the ground as the city’s foundations were being constructed.”
Jale reached out and steadied herself against a wall. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to ask another stupid question. What year is it?”
He told them.
He had to tell them twice more before it started to sink in. They’d traveled millions of miles from one planet to another and hundreds of years into the past. The Golden Age of Humanity was flowering all around them.
The Guardians began to babble excitedly to one another, interrupting each other and completely ignoring Dr. Shim. “The Traveler is still living! I think I can feel it! Ghost, can you feel it?”
“We can warn them! Maybe mount a defense against the Darkness!”
“We might be able to save billions of people.”
“So much to see! Golden Age Mars!”
“We can walk the streets of New York City. There are no Fallen!”
“Stop!” screamed Dr. Shim. They all looked at him, falling reluctantly silent.
“Am I to understand you three are from the future?” he asked.
The group looked at each other and then slowly nodded. “Yes, I suppose we are,” answered Sweet Susie.
“Then please, please, get the hell out of here. You need to see Dr. Miller in Sentient Survey! Time travellers, space men, aliens, ghosts, demons and whatever else has a pulse and can speak is all her job. If you can call it a job. Talking to aliens. It’s soft science, almost as bad as Psychology or Numerology or Astrology. None of that nonsense is my area of study and yet I’m the one who is going to have to get my lab rebuilt!”
Utterly bemused, the Daughters allowed themselves to be led out through the huge metal door and away from Dr. Shim’s laboratory. He absolutely refused to answer any questions about the current time and just repeated over and over: “You’ll have to talk to Dr. Miller.”
They finally emerged, after passing through several more locked doors, into what looked like a subway station. Dr. Shim led them down alongside a set of tracks. Massive cars slid by nearly silently on magnetized rails. The urge to bound away over the tracks and up a set of stairs to see the Golden Age Mars metropolis Pantheon City, known as the Buried City in their time, was almost overwhelming. It was all out there, above them, the absolute pinnacle of Human civilizational achievement. A time of peace, prosperity and scientific progress that contrasted so starkly with the haunted ruins in which the Guardians fought humanity’s enemies.
Their ghosts confirmed that the Traveler was, indeed, still functional. Jale thought, at first, that her excitement was making her heart race. As they continued their walk, her heart rate rose far beyond what could be explained by excitement. “Does anyone else feel like they’re sprinting inside a sauna? My heart is pounding.”
“Yeah,” Sweet Susie responded, “I actually feel a little faint. I’ve got some hyperawareness going on as well. It feels like I could see through walls if I just concentrated hard enough. It doesn’t feel good. It’s too much.”
Christina nodded. “I’m getting the same thing. Sweating bullets under my armor.”
“I think it’s the Traveler,” Jale’s ghost piped up. “In your time, the Traveler’s Light is much diminished. Still far more than enough to give every Guardian incredible abilities. But here, now, that Light is far more prevalent. It’s ubiquitous, in fact, and highly concentrated. You’re used to a trickle of power and you’re getting a torrent instead.”
They came at last to another locked door. Shim laid a hand on a panel to the right of the door and it opened smoothly. There were several more doors like this one to pass through before they finally fetched up in a round, brightly lit, white room that smelled of tea. A tall brown haired woman wearing a green dress greeted them, introducing herself as Dr. Adelaide Miller.
Dr. Shim excused himself without a goodbye, grumpily informing them that he was going to go start working on purchase requisitions for replacement equipment. Dr. Miller watched him go with a slight smile and then turned to the three Guardians. “Well, ladies. Perhaps we should start with your names?”
Jale found herself to be increasingly physically uncomfortable. She could feel sweat beading on her forehead. For the first time, she began to wonder if she might actually spontaneously combust due to the energy flowing through her from the Traveller.
They told Dr. Miller their names and gave her a short synopsis of where they were from. “That far in the future! This is stunning. Do you mind if I record the rest of our conversation? Regardless of what Dr. Shim says, I don’t interview aliens. I use some very sensitive equipment to listen for communications. We don’t understand the function of these constructs, but apparently they can transmit matter as well as exotic particles and electromagnetic waves. Our working hypothesis was that they were advanced antennae left on Mars by some unknown species. You three just utterly disproved that hypothesis.”
“Occasionally some set of signals does come through that bears some indication of a mathematical pattern. I’m a linguist and a mathematician, so I look for patterns consistent with communications in the signals. You three are a completely unprecedented development!”
Christina had been sitting with her head in her hands, elbows propped on her knees, for quite some time. She spoke without raising her head. “Jale, when you heard that music, what did it sound like?”
Jale hummed a few bars of the song she’d heard in the Templar’s Well. “Oh, that’s Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, isn’t it?” Dr. Miller asked.
“Are you hearing that song, Christina?” Jale asked, ignoring Dr. Miller.
“Yes. It’s faint, but I think it’s coming from over there somewhere,” she said, and pointed directly ahead of her to a spot behind Dr. Miller.
Surprised, Dr. Miller looked behind herself, and saw, of course, only a blank wall. “Well,” she said, turning back to the Daughters, “the construct that I’m responsible for monitoring is that way. On the other side of that wall, in fact. Though, that wall is several meters thick.”
Sweet Susie stood. “I think you should show us to that Gate, Doc.”
More locked doors, this time huge secure metal vault-type doors, had to be negotiated before they could actually lay eyes on the gate. All the time, the feeling of rising heat and an almost manic energy competed within Christina against the swell of song that filled her head.
They found the gate in a very plain chamber that had clearly been carved right out of the Martian rock. The walls and floor had been sanded smooth and cleaned but were otherwise plain stone. The Vex gate sat blackly outlined against the gray rock. It appeared completely inert.
At least, that was how the chamber appeared to Dr. Miller, Jale, and Sweet Susie. Christina had been able to see light leaking out of the seams between the wall and the last door. Now that the door was open, her vision was flooded with light. The chamber was a spotlight, and at its center, a Relic.
The Relic hung in the air three meters off the ground just in front of the Vex gate. Christina didn’t hear her companions asking if she could see anything. She had eyes only for the Relic light, ears only for the music. It drew her like a magnet draws iron filings.
Jale and Sweet Susie only watched as Christina walked forward, staring at what seemed to be an empty spot of air. Staring up at the Relic was like looking at the night sky for Christina. It fascinated her. There was nothing else. Every time she thought she was beginning to get a grip on what she was looking at, the Relic pulsed out a new wave of light and she felt that more was revealed. She leapt into the air. When Christina landed the Relic was on her arm.
At the same moment she touched the Relic, the Vex gate ignited.
The Guardians snapped their helmets on in a moment and urged Dr. Miller behind them. When nothing came out of the gate, they relaxed. “I think we’re being shown a path. We need to move on through this gate. Besides, we can’t stay here. I feel like I’m going to blow up any second,” Sweet Susie said.
Dr. Miller was bereft that they were leaving so soon after they’d arrived. “Isn’t there anything you can tell me?” she begged.
Sweet Susie and Christina passed on through the gate, leaving Jale to decide what to say. “Don’t buy any long term investments.” Sweet Susie muttered under her breath before walking into the blue glow of the gate’s transport field.
“There’s a cataclysm coming. We don’t know why, or even how it happens, exactly. Humanity is almost entirely wiped out. Then others show up to pick over our civilization’s corpse. The Traveller brings some of us back. It literally resurrects some people. My friends and I are some of those who were chosen, or found, or whatever. Humanity isn’t dead, and we’re doing our best to push back against those who would wipe us out.”
The color had completely drained from the doctor’s face. She looked like she wanted to sink to the floor. “Maybe…maybe there’s something we can do to prevent it? Forewarned is forearmed. Maybe? I also thought, you might know why Deimos is disappearing.”
Jale shook her head. “The catastrophe was so sudden, so very nearly complete. I’m sorry to give you such bleak news. But, there is hope. We fight every day to keep the Light alive. I have no idea why an entire moon of Mars would be disappearing. It’s not around in our time though. Take care, Adelaide.”
It was hard to turn away from this woman and this bright living past, untouched as yet by the ravages of the Darkness. Jale did it anyway. She walked through the gate and was nearly knocked off her feet by roaring gale.
The dust would have been choking if it weren’t for the environmental seals afforded by her helmet. As it was, Jale could feel the grit needling at the seams in her armor. She could barely see two people-shaped shadows in front of her. “Christina? Sweet?”
“We’re here, Jale,” Christina answered.
“Let’s find some cover from this storm!” Sweet Susie yelled.
The trio stumbled forward leaning into the wind. The gate had snapped off behind them as soon as Jale had exited. She could see nothing around her, only skirling dust. It reminded her of Mars during a storm. They might still be on the Red Planet, but when?
Visibility gradually improved as they moved. It was impossible to tell if it was because they were moving out of a dust cloud, or the dust was being driven away from them. It was like slowly swimming up out of murky water. Christina saw a massive shape to her right that quickly resolved into a tall building. Jale and Christina moved toward the building. They’d gone several steps before realizing that Sweet Susie wasn’t with them.
“Susie! Come on, the building!” Jale called out.
“What build…oh, there. I was looking in the wrong direction. Why didn’t you say anything?” she said as she made up the distance between them, fighting the wind.
Christina frowned. “I thought I did.”
“She did, Sweet Susie. I heard her,” Jale said.
“Never mind,” growled Sweet Susie, “let’s just get under cover and figure out where the hell we are now.”
The trudging walk to the building didn’t end their problems with the wind and dust. They managed to get into the lee, but could find no door to enter the building. Looking up, they found a smashed out window within jumping distance.
Barely within jumping distance, as it turned out. Sweet Susie had to drop down to her knees and reach a hand out to Jale and haul her up and in. “Did that seem more difficult than it should have been to anyone else?” Jale asked after thanking her friend for the hand.
Christina nodded. “Yes. My teleport barely brought me close enough to grab the ledge of this window.”
“I made the jump okay, but it was a near thing. I had just enough power to get up here. I don’t know that I could do it again, now that you mention it,” Sweet Susie replied.
Aside from exchanging troubled looks, there was nothing else they could do without more information. Their ghosts all confessed complete ignorance about where and when they were. The little machines said they could tell they were on an Earth-sized planet based on the magnetic field being generated by the planet’s core, but that they were picking up no transmissions of any kind.
“I’ll keep actively pinging the usual Vanguard nodes and scanning bandwidth for signals and let you know if I hear anything,” Jale’s ghost promised.
“Right, Mark One Eye Ball it is. Let’s get to higher ground and see what we can see,” Sweet Susie directed.
The Guardians found a stairwell that seemed reasonably intact and moved up its spiraling course through the core of the building. It was like any office building that could have been built by humanity at any time on many planets during the Golden Age. No real clues there.
At last they came to the end of the stairs and found a roof exit. The wind was just as strong, if not stronger, on the rooftop, but they were above the dust. The Daughters moved to the edge of the roof and stared. It took her several seconds to recognize the place, but when she did, Jale felt her knees go weak. She propped herself up on the raised edge of the roof. Sweet Susie swore. Christina was silent but curled her hands into fists.
Directly in front of them, several miles distant but still horrifically recognizable, was the Traveller. It had fallen to the ground and then into the ground, its massive weight sinking into the subterranean utility levels of The Last City. The reverberations of its fall had shattered the city’s center and rent cracks in the earth that buildings had fallen into and disappeared.
The group turned as one to look for the place all Guardians thought of as home: The Tower. It was broken.
The Tower had clearly not been felled by the Traveler’s final crushing descent. Though dust and plant growth had obscured some of what was left, the burn marks and clear lines of the damage remained visible. Something had sheared through the tower at precisely a forty-five degree angle. What was left after the attack had burned.
The howling wind and roiling dust filled what had once been bustling city streets. Buildings mostly leaned like conspiring ne’er-do-wells. Only an occasional structure stood straight, and those seemed like jagged teeth in a broken mouth. No light, no trees, no life could be seen. The tepid light that filtered down through the dust-laden air only served to illuminate destruction and grief.
“I just got a response to one of my pings,” Jale’s ghost said quietly.
One of the buildings moved. Raised its arms and shook off sheets of dust. Not a building. A red eye began to burn and a ululating electronic cry shook the ground beneath the Guardians’s feet.
“It’s a Vex signal.”
le reste ici http://planetdestiny.com/daughters-praedyth-fiction/
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par AxKP » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 22:40

Le morceau sur Kabr en français :

Mémoires de Kabr

Je suis Kabr. J’ai beaucoup appris de mon temps passé dans le Caveau. J’ai tenté de communiquer mes découvertes à la Tour via Pahanin et mon Spectre. Ont-ils réussi ? Je l’espère. Depuis la dernière fois que je les ai vus, j’ai acquis de nouveaux savoirs. Pahanin pensait que mes découvertes n’étaient que les marmonnements d’un vieillard. Sur la fin, la peur avait troublé sa perception, c’est pourquoi je me suis assuré qu’il puisse s’échapper du Caveau. J’étais moi-même possédé et ne pouvais remonter à la surface. Je savais que pour triompher du Caveau, je devais porter la Lumière jusqu’à sa coeur. Mon Spectre n’était plus avec moi mais la Lumière me guidait. Mon dernier témoignage serait gravé dans les galeries du Trône de Verre. Que les murs m’écoutent et gardent mes paroles dans leur histoire sans fin. Je me suis battu seul contre les Vex, c’est vrai. C’est ce qui a causé ma perte, et ma ‘disparition’. Permettez-moi d’expliquer ma dernière transmission au monde extérieur.

« Dans le Caveau, le temps file et une aiguille le pourfend. Cette aiguille, c'est la volonté d'Athéon. Je ne connais pas le nom de la forme qui vient après l'aiguille.
Personne ne peut ouvrir le Caveau seul. J'ai ouvert le Caveau mais il n'y avait personne à mes côtés et je n'étais pas seul.

Vous trouverez le Templier dans un temps qui précède ou qui suit celui des étoiles. Les étoiles vous encercleront, vous marqueront et chanteront pour vous. Elles seules décident si vous êtes réel ou non. J'ai bu leur mélodie. Elle avait le goût de la mer. »

Ce furent mes dernières paroles à Pahanin et à mon Spectre. Permettez-moi de vous les expliquer. Il est vrai que je ne connaissais alors pas le nom de la forme qui suit la volonté d’Atheon. Ce qui n’est désormais plus le cas. Le fil accroché à l’aiguille qu’est Atheon est le temps lui-même. Les Vex ont pu transcender le temps et soumettre sa véritable nature. Les Vex utilisent leurs technologies pour voyager au travers des dimensions et des millénaires. C’est de cette façon qu’ils conquirent Mercure en un si court lapse de temps. Le temps est fragmenté ici à l’intérieur du Caveau. Atheon remodèle le temps pour créer une réalité accommodant les Vex. Atheon est l’aiguille, dont le fil est le temps. Les Vex utilise le temps pour tisser une chronologie bâtie selon leurs désirs. 

Une fois à l’intérieur du Caveau, vous êtes dans un univers qui défie la nature même du temps. C’est un monde où les Oracles sont tous puissants et omniprésents. Les Oracles ont le pouvoir de définir ce qui est et ce qui n’est pas. Ils remettront en question votre propre existence et vous effaceront de votre époque. De là vint la peur et la crainte de Pahanin. Je dus le persuader de regagner la Tour pour avertir l’Avant-Guarde du pouvoir des Vex et alerter les autres Guardiens. Je ne sais pas si la Tour trouvera une stratégie pour vaincre le Caveau de Verre.

Et maintenant, la suite. Il est vrai que personne ne peut ouvrir le Caveau seul. J'ai ouvert le Caveau mais il n'y avait personne à mes côtés et je n'étais pas seul. La première partie est aussi vraie que la dernière. Les Vex ont transcendé le temps grâce à une technologie sans limite. Leurs algorithmes infinis leur ont trouvé une solution à la question du temps. Ils défient la nature en forgeant une imitation du temps. Nous, Guardiens, avons nous aussi le pouvoir de défier la nature grâce à la Lumière.

Moi, Kabr, j’ai suivi l’aiguille d’Atheon et trouvé le Trône de Verre. Mon être passé et mon futur sont entrés dans le Caveau. À l’instar des Vex, j’ai pu utiliser ma Lumière pour communiquer avec les Kabr d’autres époques. Je ne sais pas combien de Caveaux existent. Mais je sais que moi et mes autres versions ont pu percer le Caveau. J’ai appelé à l’aide et on m’a répondu. Mon être s’est étendu sur des millénaires pour réaliser cet exploit. Comment ai-je fait ? Je ne peux moi-même pas tout expliquer. Tout ce que je sais, c’est que je suis Kabr et qu’ils l’étaient aussi. Je suis eux et ils étaient moi. J’ai donc ouvert le Caveau, mais je n’étais pas seul, j’étais à mes propres côtés. 

À propos de la suite de ma dernière transmission à Pahanin. Le Templier. Nous étions tombés dans l’antre du Templier. C’est là que les Oracles firent leur première apparition. Ils brillaient comme des étoiles et commencèrent à nous interpeler via leurs chants. Pahanin était alors encore avec moi. Ils commencèrent à chanter d’une époque à laquelle lui et moi n’existions pas. Notre présence commença à s’évanouir. C’est à ce moment que j’apparus. Mon être passé et mon moi futur. Je répondis à mon appel à l’aide. Son écho avait résonné à travers les dimensions et j’étais sa réponse. Nous trois parvînmes à anéantir les Oracles. J’ordonna à Pahanin de fuir et de retourner à l’Avant-Guarde pour leur conter nos découvertes. Ce fut la dernière fois que je le vis. 

Les Oracles pétrifiaient Pahanin. Moi, ils m’intriguaient. Je suppose qu’en détruire un me permit de prendre conscience de leur vulnérabilité. En les détruisant, je dis à mon Spectre qu’ils avaient le goût de la mer. Je ne parlais pas du sel. Je comparais quelque chose que je ne comprenais pas à quelque chose que je comprenais. Les Oracles sont comme la mer. Dans le Caveau, ils vous bercent et vous êtes à leur merci. Comme l’eau de mer, ils abondent mais ne donne pas la vie. Parmi eux, je suis comme dans un océan d’étoiles. 

Après le départ de Pahanin, le Templier tenta d’organiser ses Légions contre moi. Je fabriquai un bouclier pour les repousser en assemblant des morceaux d’armures Vex avec ma Lumière. Je parvins à les combattre et je découvris que le Caveau avait une faiblesse. Les Vex doivent comprendre avant de conquérir. Ils avaient compris le temps et l’avaient soumis à leur volonté. Mais ni les Vex ni les Oracles ne comprenaient la Lumière. La Lumière peut faire ce que font les Vex mais aussi bien plus encore. Les Vex transcendaient le temps. Mais dans le Caveau, la Lumière pouvait transcender le temps et les Vex.

Encore une fois, j’ai percé le Caveau pour y faire entrer la Lumière. Les Guardiens qui me suivront devront faire de même. Guardiens, mes pairs, implorez-moi et implorez la Lumière. Ici, en ce lieu, je suis votre salut. Prenez ce bouclier et protégez les autres Guardiens. Défiez les Oracles et ne les laissez pas soustraire votre existence de votre propre réalité. Détruisez les étoiles qui cherchent à vous effacer des pages de l’histoire. Le temps vous récompensera. Les Vex ont fait fi du temps mais il aura sa revanche. Laissez-vous devenir l’arme par lequel il prendra sa revanche sur les Vex. Ce faisant, vous serez victorieux.

Je vous ai dit que j’avais pu interagir avec d’autres versions de moi-même. C’est vrai. Mais il y avait un coût. En franchissant les frontières des époques, j’ai pris le risque de potentiellement laisser s’évanouir mon existence. Mon être passé fut mortellement blessé par Atheon dans le Trône de Verre. Lorsqu’il, Kabr, mourut, ma forme présente commença à disparaître. Le Caveau, fidèle à ses propres règles, commença à me consumer. Mes actes avaient été maudits. J’avais manipulé le temps et j’en payais le prix. L’Égide que je créai existe encore ici dans le Caveau. Il y restera à jamais, comme la Lumière qui l’habite. La Lumière dépasse le temps et ne peut être effacée par les Oracles. Maintenant je commence à perdre contact avec mon être futur. Je ne tiendrai pas beaucoup plus longtemps dans ce monde, ce temps, cet espace. N’oubliez pas mes paroles, Guardiens. Si vous entrez dans le Caveau, utilisez l’Égide pour détruire Atheon. Ça y est. Je commence à disparaître. Si ces murs font écho à un autre message après cette transmission, ce ne sera pas ma voix. Si je parle à nouveau, je ne serai pas Kabr.

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 22:57

Et en plus, Kabr c'est une des legendes de ce jeu mais il y en plein.
En tout cas, tout bon titan apprecie les recits de Kabr a leur juste valeur
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Viggo » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 23:11


maj du jeu si jamais ca n'a pas encore été posté
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 23:13

On est comme des nevrosés a essayer de se logger.... Malheureusement on est au courant. Ca devrait se terminer d'ici deux ou trois heures
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 23:36

Moi c'est mort je pourrais sûrement pas tester cette nuit.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » jeu. 8 sept. 2016 23:40

Oui mais ca presse pas.... Tain vu comment on reagit pour une maj, jimagine meme pas le delire pour le 20... On sera comme des groopies

Heureusement que j'ai pris congé
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 00:31

Non justement le 20 je sais que je bosse donc ça me fera rien mais là j'étais présent pour tester cette maj et rien. Ça, ça m'enrage !
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 00:32

Bah perso a 10h01 je suis dessus et a 10h31 j'ai le gjalla
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 00:36

Je vais reprendre la recherche des spectres 8-)
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par AxKP » ven. 9 sept. 2016 07:42

Je viens de me connecter avant la douche et faut avoir pré-co pour voir quoi que ce soit, ce qui n'est pas mon cas, ce sera pour ce soir. La journée va être longue…

Ah si j'ai quand même le nouveau menu, et on va enfin avoir des clans à proprement parler.

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 08:09

J'ai préco et on y voit rien à part les nouvelles zones sur la carte du monde.
Pour le moment il n'y a rien, déçu.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 08:44

J-WeL972 a écrit :J'ai préco et on y voit rien à part les nouvelles zones sur la carte du monde.
Pour le moment il n'y a rien, déçu.
hahahaha Mr "je veux meriter le gjalla" :lol:
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 08:50

Résumé pour toi qui n'a pas suivi:

- Pas d'obtention direct du gjalla en préco, quête pour tout le monde, différence pour ceux qui le préco ou non c'est la couleur.

- Report de FFXV donc double inutilité a attendre le jour J pour ne pas le préco.

Maintenant que tu t'es fait remarquer pour rien tu peux sortir par l'autre porte. ;)

PS: Depuis le report de FFXV je l'ai dit que je le préco car on est tous soumis à la quête.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 08:52

nan mais peu importe, tu nous as bassiner que TOI tu ne precommanderas pas, tu te moquais de nous mais au final, tu as meme preco avant moi
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par AxKP » ven. 9 sept. 2016 08:58

Ce sera sympa de retrouver le Gjalla mais les dév. ont dit plusieurs fois qu'il serait plus aussi OP qu'avant et que ce ne sera plus l'arme 'indispensable' pour les raids etc… Perso je suis plus impatient de voir les nouveaux exo et quels perks ils auront.

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 09:09

Avant tu disais l'avoir préco et maintenant tu ne l'as plus préco style ! Mytho que ce soit maintenant ou avant.

Ensuite oui je disais vouloir mériter mon gjalla par la quête et non l'obtenir par un achat, c'est toujours ma vision des choses mais là que tu preco ou non tu te tape la quête donc quel est l'intérêt d'attendre ? De plus j'ai dit qu'il n'y a pas FFXV donc à nouveau à part être con je vois pas l'intérêt d'attendre car preco ou non ça change strictement rien.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 09:10

AxKP a écrit :Ce sera sympa de retrouver le Gjalla mais les dév. ont dit plusieurs fois qu'il serait plus aussi OP qu'avant et que ce ne sera plus l'arme 'indispensable' pour les raids etc… Perso je suis plus impatient de voir les nouveaux exo et quels perks ils auront.
Oui comme l'impulsion qui fait comme le gjalla.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 09:20

C'etait bien avant les strategies etaient simple et on les connaissait avant meme la sortie ou encore mieux, avant meme l'annonce d'un nouveau DLC

Quelle que soit la menace, la solution c'etait 6gardiens, une bulle arme de lumiere et 6 gjalla......en plus avec la fleche du chasseur, il y aurait eu de quoi tuer oryx, sa mere, son frere, sa ptite cousine et meme eric zemour
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 09:28

C'est clair, l'ancien gjalla avec la bulle et la flèche ça serait une folie.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Neeko » ven. 9 sept. 2016 10:40

infel2no a écrit :On est comme des nevrosés a essayer de se logger.... Malheureusement on est au courant. Ca devrait se terminer d'ici deux ou trois heures

Grave !.. j'ai aperçu la vidéo de Jwel qui essaye de se logger pendant 25 minutes : hallucinant :D tu aurais dû avoir un trophée rien que pour ça
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Neeko » ven. 9 sept. 2016 10:46

Acti/Blizzard s'amuse !

Pour preuve, Xur s'invite dans World of Warcraft Legion
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 11:34

Les gars, ca bouillonne en mois la! je veux ce DLC tout de suite bordel!
Mon Palmares Warzone:
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Neeko » ven. 9 sept. 2016 11:42

Grave ! Mais avant ça faut que je fasse la prison des vétérans 42... tu pourrais me filer un coup de main ?

Question que je me pose sinon, à votre avis, est-ce que ça va se passer comme à la dernière extension ? A savoir : on va troquer tous notre bel équipement violet contre des verts et bleus ?

A priori non avec le système d'infusion qui est arrivé entre temps...
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 11:49

Neeko a écrit :tu pourrais me filer un coup de main ?
C'est evident! ce soir si tu veux meme, on la torche. t'as juste a me dire quand tu es dispo

sinon AxKpi, tu prendras quelle classe pour le raid?
Mon Palmares Warzone:
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par Neeko » ven. 9 sept. 2016 12:27

infel2no a écrit :
Neeko a écrit :tu pourrais me filer un coup de main ?
C'est evident! ce soir si tu veux meme, on la torche. t'as juste a me dire quand tu es dispo

sinon AxKpi, tu prendras quelle classe pour le raid?
Bah si t'es dispo, on pourrait se donner rendez-vous vers 21h ?
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 12:30

oui, je porterai ma plus belle robe..... a ce soir grand fou
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par AxKP » ven. 9 sept. 2016 12:34

C'est la Prison des vétérans ou la Cage aux folles ? :D

Pour le raid je prendrai la Titan je pense, je ferai l'histoire de la DLC avec les trois persos mais priorité au Titan à moins que le team soit trop déséquilibrée. Titan un jour, Titan toujours. ;)

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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par J-WeL972 » ven. 9 sept. 2016 12:48

Pour le moment: 3 Titans et 2 Arca.

Mais on préfère que tu choisisse la classe qui te plaise et non celle qui serait le mieux pour l'équilibre de l'équipe.
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Re: [PS4/One] Destiny - Rise of the Iron: Les Gjallactiques vont devoir remettre leur armure

Message par infel2no » ven. 9 sept. 2016 13:37

le seul soucis c'est que sans chasseur on va pas aller loin. si on devait s'en tenir a ca, je prendrais le chasseur.
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